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Who or What is She?

  • She calls herself Lauren but is also known as Mom, Gramma, Lar, and, once upon a time, Peach.
    An ex-suburbanite who moved to the wilds of the Sonoran Desert and decided to raise fiber animals, fowl creatures, 3 halflings, and one pint-sized farmer without a clue as to how. Join Lauren as she learns how to file alpaca teeth, shear a horny goat, raise 3 teenagers and 1 grandchild while cooking dinner and doing the laundry with her other six arms.

Rancho Laurena


The Pretending to Farm Store

Sonoran Desert Plants


Sonoran Desert Scenery



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Member since 04/2006

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April 02, 2007



Oh, come on now. You didn't think to give us new photos of the littlest cookie??? I know, from my VAST experience of one (count it, ONE) lambing season, that little Shetland lambies get cuter by the day. And some of us out here are living vicariously through the photos of others' lambs still. So (imagine eager, impatient throng chanting here) -- Mad-e-LINE, Mad-e-LINE, Mad-e-Line, Mad-e-LINE!

Now, back to that messy fleece in the garage that I've been avoiding, with my face still rosy from your gushing on my blog....


Good grief, Lauren --- what DID you do to poor Karen. She may never dare show her face in Deadwood again! The bars may be few and far between, but news travels! My-oh-my --- Karen, you are welcome to visit SoCal. We have lots of places where you can fall down and they'll totally ignore you!


Lauren, you must be REALLY bored! Here I am at work, feeling like crap with a cold, and getting made fun of!

PS - I AM a hot dancer! Just ask Steve...

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