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Who or What is She?

  • She calls herself Lauren but is also known as Mom, Gramma, Lar, and, once upon a time, Peach.
    An ex-suburbanite who moved to the wilds of the Sonoran Desert and decided to raise fiber animals, fowl creatures, 3 halflings, and one pint-sized farmer without a clue as to how. Join Lauren as she learns how to file alpaca teeth, shear a horny goat, raise 3 teenagers and 1 grandchild while cooking dinner and doing the laundry with her other six arms.

Rancho Laurena


The Pretending to Farm Store

Sonoran Desert Plants


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May 10, 2007



See? That is your payoff for living under the broiler. Fresh garden veggies MONTHS before we'll see the like!


See? That is your payoff for living under the broiler. Fresh garden veggies MONTHS before we'll see the like!


Wow! What nice looking veggies! I am months away from anything, and I've never managed a cauliflower that beautiful. Is the Pint for hire?


Great produce! I'm just planting ours...I just know there's at least one last frost here that'll kill my tomatoes just like last years July 4 frost!

So, when are you putting up the roadside market? Eggs, just need a few bees and jams and you'll be all set!


How do you keep the rabbits out of your garden with a fence like that? I just plugged all the drain holes in our cement block wall with a mesh that will allow the water to come and go but keep the rabbits out. This am woke at 4:30 to a wandering herd of long horn cattle when they were bleating woefully outside our bedroom window. Going to set up our corral and entice them in and shut them up and see who they belong to if they keep this up. ;-))The bull is a big un'.


Beth T

Yep, we have yet to hit the magic planting date of Memorial Day. It's a well-known "fact" (ahem, ahem) that in this part of Michigan it's not safe to set stuff out earlier. Sadly, I lost all but 6 tulips to the April blizzard here. (I'm thinking Yard Bunny may also have had a spring snack at the same time). Sometimes I think I'm a bit "fetched in the head" to live here. Why DO I live here? Oh. Because I'm married to Mr. Pi, a native.

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