We’ve had a busy weekend and although the weekend is over, the busy-ness is not. I’m running around like the proverbial chicken with no head yet, since I neglected to take the time to post over the last two days, I am now forcing myself to do so.
Saturday morning we picked up the boys without a hitch. The vet was wonderful, enthusiastic about the breed in particular and sheep in general, and seemed genuinely pleased that he got to care for them, even if it was for castration surgery. The dog and cat owners that ventured in and out of the office eavesdropped on our conversation and appeared gobsmacked that farm animals would dare to put a hoof at their animal hospital.
During the drive home, David drove the most carefully and gently I have had the pleasure to experience in the entire 22 ½ years I have known him. It matters not that I get carsick, that the children and/or I are ill or sore for one reason or another but apparently it matters greatly that someone’s male parts are in pain. Next time he starts driving like the madman he can be, I am going to tell him my testicles hurt. You never know; it might work.
We arrived home to find a mourning Robert, sad because Tiger Lil’, former cage mate to the recently deceased Daffodil, had gone the way of her furry (and now cold and in the ground) friend and died. Although I was sad for Robert, my secret inner practical self was relieved to have one less species for which to care. No more hamsters, never again will I have to clean out a hamster cage, fill the upside down water drippy thingy, or buy hamster food at the pet store. Phew. Then, of course, Robert’s friend’s mother called and said AJ had told her how upset Robert was over the loss of Tiger Lil’ and Daffodil and how they would like to buy Robert a new hamster.
By the way Robert had sidled up beside me with expectation in his eyes, I suspected a plot had been hatched between friends. But guess what? I do have the slightest bit of backbone. The cage was already in the dumpster and my mind had turned off its hamster care sector. So I said thanks, but no thanks. She professed her relief that she had called me and I had a beer to celebrate. Sometimes I can be downright mean. Watch out Chuck Norris.
I interrupt this blog post to relieve Jessica of Pint-Sized Care. It’s finals week and she has to study. Hunky Husband has to work. I’m at the bottom of the totem pool people; it’s my lot in life and I have come to accept it.
But I got a new dining room table and chairs. Even at the bottom of a bunch of funny faces, life is good.