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Who or What is She?

  • She calls herself Lauren but is also known as Mom, Gramma, Lar, and, once upon a time, Peach.
    An ex-suburbanite who moved to the wilds of the Sonoran Desert and decided to raise fiber animals, fowl creatures, 3 halflings, and one pint-sized farmer without a clue as to how. Join Lauren as she learns how to file alpaca teeth, shear a horny goat, raise 3 teenagers and 1 grandchild while cooking dinner and doing the laundry with her other six arms.

Rancho Laurena


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February 22, 2008



Trust me; if I didn't have such strong convictions on this one, I'd already be a lush! Maybe by the time he reaches adolescence, I will be done with this perpetual crankiness part of peri-menopause....


Just be glad you can have the wine!!!!

Nancy K.

I'm glad that you're just 'ducking for cover' and not sick! I was getting very worried and had decided that if you didn't post today, I was going to e-mail you.

I fully understand and appreciate your misery. Having raised 3 children and now being old enough to claim 'forgetfulness' for most anything ~ the one thing I will never forget is the putrefying anger and resentment of teenagers.

God be with you!

Just don't forget, you've got lots of shoulders to cry on....

Nancy K.

I'm glad that you're just 'ducking for cover' and not sick! I was getting very worried and had decided that if you didn't post today, I was going to e-mail you.

I fully understand and appreciate your misery. Having raised 3 children and now being old enough to claim 'forgetfulness' for most anything ~ the one thing I will never forget is the putrefying anger and resentment of teenagers.

God be with you!

Just don't forget, you've got lots of shoulders to cry on....

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