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Who or What is She?

  • She calls herself Lauren but is also known as Mom, Gramma, Lar, and, once upon a time, Peach.
    An ex-suburbanite who moved to the wilds of the Sonoran Desert and decided to raise fiber animals, fowl creatures, 3 halflings, and one pint-sized farmer without a clue as to how. Join Lauren as she learns how to file alpaca teeth, shear a horny goat, raise 3 teenagers and 1 grandchild while cooking dinner and doing the laundry with her other six arms.

Rancho Laurena


The Pretending to Farm Store

Sonoran Desert Plants


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March 24, 2008



Well, welcome to the world, little giant! It IS a bit surprising that Charlotte only had a single (I'll check often in case that count is updated). Sounds like you are having a monotonous lambing year like Becca's; most of her Shetland lambs have been black with some white on their heads so far. I don't know what to expect here; definitely browns from Valentine, but the rest are wild cards.


Congratulations, Lauren! Just remember born brown doesn't mean they'll all stay that way. :) Finn has a nice splash on his forehead - Does he also have sugar lips?

Nancy K.

He sure does have sugar lips! That's why I emailed Lauren to tell her that she doesn't have all browns ~ Finnegan is MUSKET! A fine strapping bruiser he is too!

One year, Phoebe was so huge that I was sure she was going to have triplets. When I got up in the middle of the night to check on her the night she went into labor, she had ONE baby. I was searching all over the barn and paddock, with a flashlight ~ positive that there had to be more lambs. Nope. Just one. She was just FAT! I think that may have even contributed to why she only had one lamb....


Oh. My. Gosh. He is ADORABLE!!!! Congratulations Charlotte, I'm sure you are so happy to be un-pregnant! He is just handsome!! We are still on piggie watch here. She is waddling very slowly this morning so I need to check her dilation(of her pelvic bones, not cervical). I wouldn't be surprised if she had them while we're away at our homeschool park day this afternoon.

Anyway, Congratulations to all the lovely mamas! Of course we are in need of new pictures too.

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