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September 10, 2008



I'm really glad you're back. I think it will come together for you, somehow, and that you will find yourself and your wealth in due course. It will work out- it always does...

Lauren Dillon

Thanks you, Sal. Sometimes I have great confidence and other times, well, not so much.

Thanks for commenting.

Nancy K.

You have been MISSED, Lauren! I know it doesn't pay the bills but I sure am happy to see you back at PTF...

Lauren Dillon

Thank you, Nancy. You've always been one of my strongest supporters. Someday, I'll make it up to Bluff Country.


Welcome back, friend! I've missed you and your "unique" mind. :-) Perhaps with all those fleeces, an Etsy shop or eBay listings are in order -- and may pay better than the writing!

Lauren Dillon

Thank you, Michelle. I have often thought about selling roving and probably will as I have a SABLE problem. I have no time to process the fleece in large amounts to sell for roving so must take the time to send it all to a mill and set up an Etsy shop or Ebay sales or something to bring in some hay funds. Now that the weather is cooling, I can better handle the errands and activity involved in all that (I hope).

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